Tuesday, August 21, 2007

This Time It's Personal

It's been a long time since I've posted here. I've been updating the blog at my church fairly regularly over the last year and a half so you can catch up with my ponderings from then at: http://forestviewchurch.ca/Blogs/Chris/

The big news in my world is that the decision has been made to close down our congregation that I've been pastoring for the last 17 months. There's a lot of competing emotion and thoughts for me in this (it wasn't my choice). Still, I come back to a confidence that those who made the decision are people I trust and respect, even if I don't necessarily agree with them. I know that they are people of prayer who's sincere desire is to honour God and be caring towards people.

I don't know what will be next for me. The first priority is to do my best to help our congregation through this transition; whether that's into another church or into some new form of gathering together. After that I know I need to get some rest from the last seven years of church work and do the hard work of figuring out who I am if I'm not leading this church anymore. I'll also finally finish my Masters degree by Christmas.

More than likely this will become my outlet for the next few months. Feel free to hang around for the ride and chip in with your thoughts too.