Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Imaginary Jesus

This morning I led the service at St Mark's United Church where I grew up. It's always a challenge to know what to communicate to a group I don't know.
What we ended up digging into was Matthew 16 where Simon Peter realizes that Jesus really is the Christ, but then Jesus shows him that even that revelation wasn't complete.

I think pretty much everyone in our culture has some ideas about Jesus. We can imagine him to some degree depending on our background, experiences, and what we've been exposed to. If we take a few minutes and consider a few questions we can draft a picture of our own imaginary Jesus. Try these to get started:

1. When you imagine Jesus, what does he look like? (appearance, race,
build, clothing, setting, etc.)

2. When you imagine Jesus, what sorts of things do you most often picture
him doing?

3. What do you imagine Jesus saying?

4. When you imagine Jesus, what emotions do you imagine him expressing?

5. What sort of political views do you imagine Jesus to have?

6. Who do you imagine Jesus hanging around with?

7. What do you imagine Jesus being passionate about?

8. What would your imaginary Jesus most likely say to you?

I'd love to hear some thoughts back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's what immiediately comes to my mind:

1. When you imagine Jesus, what does he look like? (appearance, race,
build, clothing, setting, etc.)

- Jim Caviezel.

2. When you imagine Jesus, what sorts of things do you most often picture
him doing?

- Carpentry, eating, praying.

3. What do you imagine Jesus saying?

- Something in Hebrew that I don't understand.

4. When you imagine Jesus, what emotions do you imagine him expressing?

- He's really quiet and shy... almost unemotional.

5. What sort of political views do you imagine Jesus to have?

- None. Not: Zealot, Pharisaic, Sadducee, or Essene.

6. Who do you imagine Jesus hanging around with?

- I know prostitute and tax collector are probably the most popular answer, but I usually think of him hanging out with just normal people.

7. What do you imagine Jesus being passionate about?

- Mary... Dan Brown was right! I think the equivalent of my life. Whatever was happening around him in his culture.

8. What would your imaginary Jesus most likely say to you?

- "It's ok."