Sunday, November 02, 2008

The Most Offensive Word in the English Language

(It's not what you think).

Forgive the melodramatic title to this post, but I've got some frustration to vent.
I find it absolutely repulsive that so often we (and yes, I include myself here) use the word "just" in a dismissive sense with regard to people, tendencies, skills, and interests.

"I'm just a volunteer"
"That's just being emotional"
"I'm just learning to do it"
"You're just a student"
"I just try to help"
"My mom was just a housewife"
and the list goes on...

How arrogant and offensive to label the gifts and creations of God in such a way!
If I hear anyone speak of my children as "just" anything I'll be furious. They are not "just"; they are special, loved, unique, and sacred. The same is true of my developmentally delayed relatives, the neighbour with dementia, and the newcomer working a menial job to provide for their family. None of us is "just".

In fact, I'd love to take all those examples above, remove the word just, and replace it with an exclamation point at the end and an enthusiastic tone. We really need to learn to celebrate who we are, what we do, and those things that identify us as distinct from every other of the billions of humans who have wandered around on this sod.

I can only imagine God's reaction to our dismissal of ourselves, other people, or the things he has given us. Do you think he rages or weeps?

But then again, I'm just some guy with a blog...

1 comment:

Mark Petersen said...

I agree with you - I find that word distasteful. Let's ban it. :)