Monday, October 15, 2007

Obstructed Views

At sports events and concerts sometimes people find themselves stuck behind a post or peering around the edge of the bleachers to see the action. At best it's an annoyance, and in most cases it's noted on the ticket so you've got some advance warning. The problem would be if somehow we thought that what we can see from behind the post was the whole game.

All too often that happens in our faith. Various obstacles interfere with us getting a clear view of Jesus. Sometimes it's our sin that gets in the way; but a lot of the time it can be caused by the churches we're a part of. We layer beliefs, doctrines, traditions, and practices on top of each other so much that I fear we've buried Jesus.

The problem is that it's nearly impossible to dig him out again since we usually don't know what the obstructions are...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im the problem.