Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Overgrown Cross

Outside the church window this evening I could see through the rain a hydro pole illuminated among the trees by the street light. It looked like a cross overgrown with other trees, branches obscuring but not completely obliterating the familiar shape.

I feel the same: for myself, my church, and my community. The cross hasn't left us, but it's hard to see with so much surrounding it, hiding it, taking its stark form and making it uncertain.

It's actually more beautiful this way. More artistic and appealing; especially in this light. It's a much more organic image.

I suppose it could be a hopeful image. New life emerging from the raw reality of what it takes to make all things right and restore hope. But tonight it looks like something else to me. It looks like reality is being lost. I can't see what I know is most important. I wish I could away the obstructions and see clearly...


Anonymous said...

And yet, Chris, as your post prior to this might indicate, can we actually see more clearly or not?
Indeed I think there is always space to improve the perspective, but there is a limit. Isn't there?

Scott J.

chris wignall said...

Very true Scott. We live in that tension. We want (long for) a clear view of truth that will resolve every uncertainty but it doesn't seem to be the way of God. He constantly refuses to overwhelm us, instead giving us enouggh glimpses to invite us to respond in an ongoing exploration of truth and grace...