Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christian does not equal Conservative

I've heard from more than one direction in this highly political year that Evangelical Christians must vote for the conservative (Republican in the US, Conservative Party in Canada) political party.

I find this utterly offensive.

While I have had some excellent interaction with people I deeply respect who are Christian and affiliate themselves with the conservative side, far too many of my spiritual siblings are simply stupid in this. They have limited what they understand to be God's interest to a very short list of hot topics; particularly the inclusion of homosexual couples in the civil institute of marriage. At the same time they are so partisan that they willfully turn a blind eye to other matters (environment, poverty, corruption, immigration/refugees for example), and often to the glaring inconsistencies and improprieties of their preferred leaders.

There is neither integrity or spiritual high ground in this.

There is also no historical perspective. My current favourite theologian, John Stackhouse, wrote an article that all politically interested followers of Jesus would be wise to give careful consideration. You don't have to agree, but you would be missing out on an important understanding if you ignore it.

And in the interest of honesty let me say that I have voted Liberal, Conservative, and Green each at least once in recent elections and I believe my current Member of Parliament (a Conservative) is worthy of respect and a committed representative of our riding.

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