Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Should every player get to play?

In my professional life as someone who evaluates and develops nonprofit organizations I sometimes find myself stuck in a tension between honouring the best intentions of every participant and the reasonable expectation for meaningful performance outcomes that truly benefit those in need. It reminds me of the way I've been torn as a sports coach with whether to give equal playing time to everyone or to favour those who give the team the best chance of winning.

An article I read today argues that within the church everyone should get to play in the way that they want. In part the author says:
The church remains the home of the no-cut audition. We don't get to choose the other members of our body. You have to want to get in, but once you are here, we will find a part for you to play.

I'm so grateful that there is a place for everyone in God's great production. I hope I can keep that in mind when I need to suggest to some that they may be playing the wrong part. Ideally my true motive will be to see each one find the role for which they have been unwittingly preparing all along. Some of us don't realise that we are meant to be in the chorus, not singing solos. (Those who have heard my voice will now be thinking that some of us should maybe hold the lyric sheet and stay quiet).

At Christmas of all times, I pray that I and each one I interact with will discover more fully the dreams we can pursue in the company of a God who withholds nothing in his wild passion to be with us.

So whatever part you are now playing, and whatever parts you find yourself playing in the future; Merry Christmas

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