Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Where do we belong?

The favourite buzzwords in a lot of church circles these days are "emerging" and "missional". Those who identify with these terms describe it as an important movement in Christianity in the Western world through which the church moves away from being primarily institutional and returns to more sincere and open relationship with the community. Critics often see it as either just another form of target marketing or an abandonment of the Biblical basics that define what is truly Christian.

Both the advocates and the naysayers have valid points. There are loads of examples of a loss of focus happening and the church losing the distinct message of God's earnest love for all of Creation and his passion to reveal himself for our response. It is potentially dangerous to leave behind the predictable systems and structures of church for the uncertainties of trying to figure out how to live out the truth and grace of Jesus in the midst of our neighbourhoods, marketplaces, and relationships.

Next Monday I'll be taking part in something called a synchroblog on this idea of Christians being "missional". To see what comes up you can visit my work blog.

For now, click over to see what has happened as the staff and students of Inter-varsity Christian Fellowship at McMaster University have struggled and celebrated their journey in this area. I know well that there has been a lot of doubt and discouragement along the way. There has been a large decline in attendance in prominence; and some people have been hurt in the process. It has been messy. But even in my conversation today with staff leader Cole Bassarab I saw how glad they are to have taken the risks and ow they are more fully experiencing God as they go.

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