Tuesday, August 05, 2008


One of my favourite people in all the world to spend a long evening talking with is a self-professed skeptic. (Most of the time I share his temperament if not his paradigm). This post is not for him.

I read an article today that moved me surprisingly. It's about the infamous New Life church in Colorado (of the Ted Haggard scandal and last year's shootings) and how they are recovering from two tragedies. And, yes I do consider the Haggard matter to be tragic from several angles.

There are several ways I don't agree with the practices and teaching of New Life. It would be easy for me to poke holes in even this story and find fault with some of what it says. But I choose not to. Instead, I choose to believe that God is doing something meaningful among people who shared trauma.

Read right to the end of the article. The postscript demonstrates grace and courage beyond common human capacity. Well done folks. You've entered into the realm of the inexplicable. I hope you can hang out there for a while.

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