Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What size gospel are you?

Every church wants to express the truth and grace of Jesus as fully as possible. MOre and more we're running into "missional" churches and movements that are trying to point out the ways in which some of our ways of being Christian have reflected an incomplete understanding of the good news of Jesus. It's pretty fuzzy stuff mostly, which makes it easy to take slightly disguised shots at the well known Christian leader of choice for their limited gospel.
In the course of an ongoing series on their website about the "size" of the gospel; Christianity Today posted this article from a missional church pastor/theologian who opens up the question of what happens when we make the gospel so big that average people can't get their heads or hands around it.
From where I sit, this sounds like a part of what has happened in the more theologically liberal churches in my community. Starting with acknowledging something more, they ended up something so big it lost all meaning. I find myself struggling to maintain a grip on the safety rail of faith in the midst of the theological ride I've found myself on in the last year or so...

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